The Yielding Warrior
A comprehensive primer on meditation and the art of yielding, a skill that builds resilience in just about every facet of life.
The autistic's meditation practice starter guide
Meditation is one of the most powerful tools autistic women have to build awareness, intuition, and self-sovereignty. Five minutes is all you need.
reclaiming yourself
Your yearly reminder that adult autistic women exist
On this page
Once a year, every year, I embark on a quest to scream from the mountaintops to anyone
autism and mental health
How to recover from autistic burnout (and maybe save years of your life)
It might feel impossible now, but wrangle your supports and you can recover from autistic burnout.
creative development
Elevate your creativity: 5 habits to ditch in 2025
At the top of my 2025 planner, I’ve written “GRADUAL CHANGES” nice and big and circled it a few
Community is not your reward for being a good person
What does it take for autistic women to feel welcome in community?
Whatever I Want
A poem about being really bad with money.
Struggling to stick to a journaling routine? Try the tarot
A little woowoo in your life will get your journaling practice started.
Hide your apartments: the hobosexuals are hunting
Societal expectations of women put female autists at particular risk of a parasitic relationship with a hobosexual. Protect your heart (and home) by noticing the signs. Don't be a slow learner~
The holidays, autism, and YOU 🫵🏽
While NTs prep for a holiday roast, the ND ladies ready themselves for battle.
takes what you desire most
and sells you its ghost
complex trauma
13 journal prompts for self-sabotage
Reclaim your life goals by investigating your triggers. Try these 13 journal prompts to help you heal from chronic self-sabotage.
let go
A poem about surrendering.
tarot therapy 101
Curious about tarot? It's less about seeing the future and more about introspection. Here’s everything you need to know to learn more about the archetypes of your psyche through tarot.
get started art journaling
Art journaling introduces some much-needed color into your everyday life. Here are the basics you'll need to start an art journal and build your journaling practice.