I'm the parent of an autistic child. Is your content for me?
While parents of autistic children are not who I'm speaking to, you might find my art therapy exercises helpful for encouraging your child to communicate in their preferred medium. You could do those exercises with them to better understand how you can help them develop and move through the world.
It might also be helpful for you to read some general perspectives from adult women with autism throughout the blog. I've found that a lot of parents of autistic children seem more concerned with "curing" autism, making their kids "easier to deal with," or venting their frustrations without taking much interest in their child's inner world. Understanding the perspectives of grown autistic women can offer you the gift of hindsight and help you to better connect with your child.
Won't somebody think of the men?!
After reading a few articles on this blog you might be thinking, "Hey Aubrie, you sure do seem to write a lot about women specifically. And when you do mention the guys, I feel personally attacked for some reason. What gives? Do you hate men or something?? Are you a man hater, Aubrie?!"
I'm very happy to share that I am not a man hater. Some of my best friends are men! But this blog is focused on the liberation and inspiration of autistic women. Heavy on the liberation. As of this writing, men continue to be the cause of most abuse cases, the leaders of most oppressive societies, and the perpetrators of almost all violent crime. I have never, and will never, disparage anyone of any gender on this site; my work is meant to be a resource for creation and empowerment for my ladies and theydies, and a means of protection from current and future oppressive groups. It just so happens that said groups are invariably dominated by men.
If these facts make you feel bad, we'd love your help in making the world a safer place for women so you don't have to feel that way! If discovering resources for this audience makes you feel like lashing out, consider reading something else.
If you feel like my tone betrays my commitments and I'm secretly hating on men, read something else.
If you feel I'm not being inclusive of a "your body my choice" brand of man in my messaging, you're right. Read something else.
Wait. You're not diagnosed? How can I trust you?!
I was self-diagnosed with the help of a LMFT-certified therapist and an autistic neuroscientist. While I have endless respect for the fields of science, if it quacks like a duck, waddles like a duck, and has endured a lifetime of social dysfunction quintessential to that of a duck...I'm a duck, bruh.
I will not be pursuing an "official" diagnosis unless I have a medical need for it in the future; I don't actually need a diagnosis to speak on my own lived experiences as someone whose life and personal relationships reflect AuDHD complications.
Neurodivergent people would exist whether the medical community affirms our existence or not.